Friday, October 13, 2006

tenure review overload

How would Kar Wai Wong write a tenure review? I need something to help me reinvigorate for this.

I'm working on my fourth review for the season (and have said no to others) and it should be an easy one, a case that is no question, but I look at the screen and want to go play. Maybe I have simply run out of words, or am feeling genre fatigue, or perhaps it is that the weather (rain/snow, lots of dripping noises) is universally agreed to be the sort that requires staying in bed watching good movies from other climates.

Would that I could write, "This person has earned tenure, anybody can see that, give it!!!" (With a smiley face, of course.)

1 comment:

veritaschick said...

My secret tips: espresso, clove cigarettes, and chocolate
When I a need a boost for motivation I turn to my good ol standards.... espresso, clove cigarettes, and/or chocolate (usually in the form of dark chocolate chips) but not necessarily in that order, or even all at the same time (for fear of sensory overload). Of course, be warned, it may be obvious to others if you attempt any of these. The tall tale signs are when you have a wiley look in your eyes from the espresso, a nagging cough from smoking too many cloves, and your pants are getting tight from eating too much chocolate.
These are my secret tips. May they help you reinvigorate as they have helped me. :)
Good luck!