Monday, December 18, 2006

when the old standards fail

There's nothing like bad news coming at the pinched end of the semester (I could link here to the welcome-home-feeling discussions all over the blogoround about grading, writing recommendations, having to finish overdue articles and reviews, meetings, hiring committees, etc., etc.) to make me desire childhood comforts. So I went and bought the classic blue box of Kraft macaroni and cheese and came home and fixed it and could only eat about a quarter before it lost all its ability or I lost all my desire.


My friend Laurie's uncle (Cheesepowder Hal) invented the orange stuff that comes in the little metal bag, which meant that macs-and-cheese had a very powerful bosom-of-family-and-friends associative power for me. And now it seems to be gone.

Ah, world, what other comforts can you offer on such a grey afternoon? (Yeah, yeah, okay, fine, I'll go finish putting together the packages of presents that need to make it to the coasts quickly.)

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