Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I've tried this before

It was lots of pictures and occasional posts, sometimes posts just to post and sometimes because I had something I wanted to work out. I am serially consistent, for a month or two or maybe even six, and then I move on to the next whatever that I pursue for a while. So the blog gave way to learning about moving. (Meanwhile: this being-a-teacher is the longest I have done anything persistently in my life.)

I also come back to things: I learn in punctuated ways. I may not draw for a long time, and then I come back to it. I may not write for a while, and then I come back to it.

I know I need to be writing here -- this internet space -- again and more if I am to have any understanding of how writing can shift depending on where it happens and the time of its space.

I also want to be more productive with metaphors. Hence the next post.

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