Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I write a lot...

but someone I know commented the other day that this blog, for obvious reasons, is like a quarterly.

Having grown up with diaries, many of which I still have, sitting over on that shelf in the hallway by the window, I think of writing-for-thinking-to-myself as, well, writing to myself. Entertaining as it might be -- for others -- were I to publish here the words that help me think through a day's questions and tensions, um, well, you know, I like my line of work and the people with whom I work but about whom I sometimes need to think in less than quiet terms in order to work out how to work together generously. Sometimes my daily writing is private little silly giddy moments I want to recall, or little phrases that resonate that I want to remember, or descriptions of very private happinesses with others -- and my ideas about work and the stuff that I end up publishing often and usually entwine with all that: none of it separates out neatly into private and public-publishable-here.

Because LJ allows private and friends features, there's actually much more to this blog than most see, but still -- nothing approaching the non-quarterly. If there were more time, I might be able to work back through the other writing, to pull out what is share-able. But I haven't yet found how to do this daily. When I do write here in anything approaching regularity, if you track the dates, is over vacations, breaks, or in other breathing spaces. What is a good term for someone who blogs for a week or two and then not for a month or two?

But, like, how do others do it daily? Some of my pattern has to do (duh) with my sense of what counts as public and private; others have a sense of public that is much larger than mine, and others clearly have more time, or faster fingers or neurons, or all of it. You?

1 comment:

dhawhee said...

Quarterlies aren't bad! Like, they arrive to more anticipation.
Yah, trying to do this daily in November for napoblomo was quite the challenge, and it meant that sometimes I was blogging when I didn't want to be. And that wasn't cool. I have fun with the 'mixed public' and sometimes unknown quantity that is my blog readership, but that can also be pretty tricky. I agree that none of it separates out neatly. And I wholeheartedly agree too that some of it must be separated out, for the sake of collegiality, etc.