Monday, September 19, 2005

reason 75 why I like living here

Up to the Co-op this evening for dinner components, beer, dried organic cherries, fennel toothpaste -- the usual -- and on my way to the register I try to remember our number (which davina re-activated for us this summer) and my brain does its occasional dyslexia-but-with-numbers bit: 1461? 1641? 1612? 1261? The patient woman at the register tries the first couple, asking me after each one -- as a name appears on the register after she enters the number -- if I am the name that appears. I keep saying no. Eventually she asks my name. I spell it out so she can enter it into the register and get the number, and she says, "Oh, I think my brother was in some of your classes." She's Dan Martin's sister Holly, and we get to talk about how much we like him and how well he is doing in Chicago (still living with Matt Hart) -- and he is coming up for Annie B's wedding the weekend after next. Annie B's wedding is going to be a reunion of some of the coolest people who ever worked in the CCLI. I came home and ate my ginger carrot soup happily in anticipation. I will get to be the old teacher who embarrasses herself on the dance floor, but the reception is up at the South Range Eagles Club where the rambunctiousness usually overwhelms all embarrassment. (Annie B is the one who figured out that the phone number for the CCLI is 487-CLUB. The place was like a club when she was around. The disco ball now stored in the lounge is testament)

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